Whew! L.A.'s own Ready The Jet blasted the denizens of Dallas with a rockin' set at the Double Wide. i'm still trying to catch my breath and will continue to look for the remnants of my face, which they blew off with rock. i'll keep you posted on the condition of my mug as soon as i find it. Holy craps. Here's some pics. There's more here at the flickr.
Ready the Jet's 2007 album, New Record Highs is available for purchase at CD Baby. Here is what the cover looks like:

See how they cleverly put the name of their band, Ready The Jet and the title of the LP, New Record Highs right on the cover so it's easily identifiable? That is marketing genius, right there.
The band, Ready The Jet, claims no responsibility for the damage you may incur while rocking to their album, New Record Highs.
Ready The Jet on MySpace
Double Wide Bar
Ready The Jet on MySpace
Double Wide Bar