Friday, June 03, 2005

The "I" Word Editorials Are Mounting

Excellent update on the case against Mr. Bush from

The clues are falling into place, pointing to the incontrovertible judgment that George W. Bush willfully misled the United States into invading Iraq, in part, by eliminating the possibility of the peaceful solution that he pretended to want.

Read the whole article by Robert Parry.
Editorial from
Bush was determined to go to war, "Intelligence and facts are being fixed around the policy." "Fixed" means faked, manufactured, conjured, hyped - the product of whole cloth fabrication.

So we got aluminum tubes, mushroom clouds imported from Niger, biological weapons labs in weather trucks, fear and trembling, the phony ultimatums to Saddam Hussein to turn over the weapons he didn't have and thus couldn't. We got the call to arms, the stifling of dissent, the parade of retired generals strategizing on the "news" shows, with us or against us, flags in the lapel, a craven media afraid to look for a truth that might disturb their corporate owners who would profit from the war. Shock and Awe. Fallujah. Abu Ghraib.

It was all a lie. Many of us have said for a long time it was a lie. But here it is in black and white: Lies from a president who has taken a sacred trust to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
Tell me this isn't more serious than what Clinton did to get impeached.
Go ahead, i dare ya. It makes Bush's rhetoric on accountability and a culture of life sound more hollow and hypocritical than the first time he said it.

From Seattle Weekly:
The information needed to impeach George Bush for lying to Congress, the United Nations, and the American public about the most serious imaginable matter—the misuse of military force—is all out there. It's been reported, in foreign media, in the alternative press, in the margins. But it has not been championed by major media, and so it has not been taken to heart by either the American public or Congress.
Yes, it's all out there. Here's the "memo" itself. What are we to make of the US Media's apathy, indifference, ignorance - whatever it is that's keeping this story under the radar? I'm confounded.

From the Sun-Sentinel in Florida:
With all the evidence available, and the new information emerging regarding the lies, twisted truths and selective intelligence that brought us into an unprovoked and unnecessary war, it's time for the nation to hold responsible the man sitting where the buck stops at the White House. I find it untenable that we would almost impeach one president for engineering and condoning a break-in and impeach another for a sexual liaison, but not a man who started a deadly war based on lies, deceit and avarice.
Okay, now we're talking. Except for one thing: the buck does not stop at President GW Bush. He's made that abundantly clear. It's never his fault, the buck stops at any number of disposable pawns in his chain of command. It's the fault of some anonymous underlings, some unamed bureaucrats, and the grunts on the ground. Remember, he can't recall making any mistakes since he took office, so apparently, nothing is his fault. BTW, is this a sign of some sort of neurosis? And so far, the media and congress - those who should be taking him to task for his words and actions - refuse to hold him accountable.

Ralph Nader & Kevin Zeese
Former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean (this was from a TWO YEARS AGO!)

What can you do? Fight the Power.
Sign MI Rep. John Conyers' letter to W. Over 89,000 concerned citizens have already done so. Write your Rep. with this handy online form.

Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Thursday News Brief

Tom DeLay says, M-A-R-S! Mars, bitches!
House Majority Leader holds photo op, press briefing for pie-in-the-sky human exploration mission to the Angry Red Planet, hoping to distract Americans from his scandals here on Earth.
Here's my idea: Let's tell Tom that lobbyists are willing to pay for his ticket to Mars, and convince him that there will be golf when he gets there. We will conveniently forget to disclose to him that his ticket is one-way.



US Mainstream Media Ignores Evidence of BushCo.'s Lies Leading Up To Iraq War
This is important.
It's known as The Downing Street Memo:
The contents of the memo are shocking. The minutes detail how our government did not believe Iraq was a greater threat than other nations; how intelligence was "fixed" to sell the case for war to the American public; and how the Bush Administration’s public assurances of "war as a last resort" were at odds with their privately stated intentions.

This is a potential blockbuster scandal, capable of unseating this President, but coverage of this story in the American Mainstream Media has been scant at best. Where's the outrage? Where are the "Deep Throats" of today? Where are the intrepid reporters? Why didn't anyone in the press corps ask W when they had the chance on Tuesday? Has the White House bullied the press so much that they are reduced to being obsequious stenographers? What are they afraid of? Are their stories being spiked by editors afraid to piss off their big corporate owners and advertisers?
Ralph Nader and Kevin Zeese on the "I Word"
Michigan Rep. John Conyers writes a letter to W demanding explanation, 59,000 sign it.
What can you do?
Awaken the Mainstream Media


Do you feel a draft?


The Bush Administration will soon be spraying crowds with this stuff during public appearances. You laugh now, but soon you'll be swooning over little W and Big Dick.
