...so say the sloganeers.
- Miami police to "shock and awe" random citizens by terrorizing them. This is how Florida conducts their own little War on Terror. Now shut up and show me your ID.
- Consumer confidence up, gas prices dip. Now be a good citizen and shop, shop, shop. If you don't, the terrorists win.
- Vatican: Homosexual love is not equivalent to hetero love. How do they know? Oh, yeah, God told them. Now shut up and pray. The Vatican has been working on this document for ten years! They are clearly obsessed.
- Alito supported the execution of 16 - 17 year olds. Death penalties for everyone, yay! Now shut up and climb up there on that electric chair. Here's a booster seat.
- California Rebublican Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham pleads guilty to taking bribes of $2.4 million. He cried at his press conference. Does anyone feel sorry for this guy? Tom DeLay called him a hero. "Freedom isn't free and neither am I. Now shut up and write me a check."
- The Iraq Debacle: The most foolish war since 9 B.C. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.
- Former Powell Chief of Staff on Cheney: "a moron, an idiot or a nefarious bastard." You forgot ugly, lazy, and disrespectful.
- Armored minibus carrying Missouri Rep. Ike Skelton crashes in Iraq. Skelton "doing well" in Germany. Best wishes to Ike and family, no snark.
- Bush to unveil "National Strategy for Victory in Iraq" tomorrow (11/30/05, 32 months into this war!). Details will be scarce, platitudes and vagaries will be abundant. Now shut up and support the troops. Here's a magnet for your car.