Introducing the newest member of the DeeceNox Posse: Leo David TiffSkeez Marquart!

He was born at 12:20pm on my Dad's 55th birthday, July 19, 2005. He weighed in at 7.66 lbs and measured 19.9 inches. Congratulations to Skeezix and Tiffany.
Can i get a "hell yeah!"?
Li'l Leo is red-lining the awesomeometer early.
So this is why W picked him. John Roberts was part of the 2000 Florida Avert-the-Recount Team, or F.A.R.T. (okay, i just made that up). This was a team of legal experts brought together to advise Brother Jeb and the Florida legislator on how to forego the recount and just let Bush win Florida's 25 electoral votes. In the end, the SCOTUS ruled in W's favor, giving W the those electoral votes and ultimately, the presidency.
Can a partisan hack be an impartial jurist in the highest court of the land? i doubt it.
The Black Keys rocked the Pageant in St Louis Friday July 15, 2005 and i was there.

i blew my chance to meet Dan and Patrick in person when i saw them having their car fixed a coupla hours before their set. When i and my g/f approached the venue, i saw Dan and Patrick standing next to a Subaru wagon with Ohio plates while a tow truck operator was replacing a tire. i did not have my real camera with me, and i was too shy to stroll up and say, "Howdy! Sorry 'bout yer car, but do you have a second to pose for a cheesy cell phone camera pic with me and my girl here?" i don't have chutzpah like that, and i don't think they're the kinda folks who want attention to be drawn to them in that way. Maybe the next time. So in lieu of a cheesy posing pic, i present to you a coupla blurry, low light cell phone camera pics from the show.

Can't ya almost feel how rockin' they are?
While you're visiting their site and buying all their merchandise, check out this video of their song "10 a.m. Automatic" from their 2005 release Rubber Factory. It was conceived and directed by this David Cross.