"CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Leaders of Iraq's sharply divided Shiites, Kurds and Sunnis called Monday for a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S.-led forces in the country and said Iraq's opposition had a `legitimate right' of resistance."
Bring 'em home!!! Yay!!
"Debate in Washington over when to bring troops home turned bitter last week after decorated Vietnam War vet Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., called for an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, and estimated a pullout could be complete within six months. Republicans rejected Murtha’s position."
The Iraqi leaders are basically adopting Rep. Murtha's proposal.
Will Repugnicans reject the position of the Iraqis? I'm waiting for "Mean" Jean Schmidt to call them cowards for wanting us to "cut and run".
"'Though resistance is a legitimate right for all people, terrorism does not represent resistance. Therefore, we condemn terrorism and acts of violence, killing and kidnapping targeting Iraqi citizens and humanitarian, civil, government institutions, national resources and houses of worships,' the document said."
So they are saying that targeting US-led troops and contractors is not terrorism, it's freedom fighting. Fair enough. If some foreign government invaded the US, deposed our dictator and proceeded to destroy my country, i would also prefer to be called an "insurgent," not a "terrorist."
"The final communique also stressed participants' commitment to Iraq's unity and called for the release of all "innocent detainees" who have not been convicted by courts. It asked that allegations of torture against prisoners be investigated and those responsible be held accountable."
Oh, those cute Iraqis with their quaint notions about rair trials and the concept of "innocent until proven quilty."
"The statement also demanded 'an immediate end to arbitrary raids and arrests without a documented judicial order.'"
B-b-but Uncle Dick hasn't had a chance to torture them yet!
In other Middle-East related news..
Uzbekistan is kicking the US to the curb. Well, there goes our cozy relationship with that brutal totalitarian dictator...Re-deploy the troops!!
Blair talked Bush out of bombing Saudi TV Network Al-Jazeera.
You know this Administration is fucked up when a brown-nosing lickspittle is the only one who thinks taking out an ally's asset is not a good idea. Related: I heard that Chrisopher Hitchens convinced Bush not to nuke CBS news.
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