Q:Why aren't the 24 hour news networks and major metropolitan newspapers providing wall-to-wall coverage and updates every fifteen minutes?
A: She's not white.
Even the story on the CBS 3 website seems half-hearted, saying, "If you have any information, call police." No phone number was given. No special tip line, not even a number for Crime Stoppers. I believe she was last seen in the Philadelphia Police 16th District. Call 215-636-3163 if you have any info.
But thanks to All Spin Zone and The Philadelphia Citizens Crime Commission, there is now a reward fund.
Who needs to wait for Nancy Grace to get off her ass when you have thoughtful, real people to help spread the word? Help if you can.
The Bush Administration is changing the slogan for their quixotic crusade from the "Global War on Terrorism," or GWOT, to the "Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism," or GSAVE.

Don't you feel like we're winning already?
Ann Arbor, Michigan via The Raw Story: "Billboard Requests Divine Intervention to fix economy"

Things certainly are bad in the wolverine state. But what would Supply Side Jesus think about this?
From the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee:
Karl Rove gets a raise!

A little extra pocket money for prison? What do you think he will he spend it on - syrup or jelly? *eeeewwww!!*
..and with that i will pass.