Uncle Tupelo played their very last show on May 1, 1994 at Mississippi Nights in St. Louis, MO. While i was not at that particular show, i did witness their 3rd-to-last show at the Blue Note in Columbia, MO on April 29, 1994. Good times.
Last week, i stumbled across a recording of their very last show here. The file i downloaded was one long mp3, so i split it up for your convenience and pleasure, and i present it to you today, gentle reader. The file i uploaded contains 18 songs from that set. For some reason, the original file did not include the encore that included a raucous version of "Gimme Three Steps" with the Bottle Rockets who joined them on stage that night. Kind of a bummer, but you can go here to peep an historic video that documents the very last notes ever played by Farrar & Tweedy together.
Download Uncle Tupelo's last show here. The zip file also contains some pics that i found in various places on the internets. Please enjoy responsibly.
P.S., if any of y'all out there know where i can find a recording of the encore, please let me know and i will post it too. i believe the songs are "Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere," "Whiskey Bottle," "Truck Drivin' Man," "Looking For A Way Out," and "Gimme Three Steps".