Check this!! He pulled a Garreth Keenan!

In the hit British comedy series, The Office, Mackenzie Crook played Gareth Keenan: a puny, brown-nosing office geek who always introduced himself as, "Assistant Regional Manager," only to be corrected by his boss: "Assistant to the Regional Manager."
According to Michael D. Brown's bio on the FEMA website, "His background in local and state government also includes serving as an assistant city manager with emergency services oversight and as a city councilman" in the city of Edmond, OK.
As TIME reports, "according to Claudia Deakins, head of public relations for the city of Edmond, Brown was 'assistant to the city manager' from 1977 to 1980, not a manger himself, and had no authority over employees. 'The assistant is more like an intern,' she told TIME."
Is that precious, or what? I wonder if Chertoff ever put Brown's stapler in jell-o.

Read here and here and here for more of this phony's falsehoods.
Another day, another scandal in BushWorld. Maybe the mainstream media won't ignore this one, since you know, he's pretty much responsible for people dying and all.