Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Cards win! Wow.

DTS says it best: Oh my.

On disappointment:
Baseball is mean -- it'll break your fucking heart. Just as real as when your crush says she wants to be just friends -- your favorite team will fail and you won't see a way past it. It is your permanence. I like to think I've outgrown this, but I remember it so vividly. Sometimes I hope my son never falls in love with baseball so that he'll never experience this feeling.
On elation:
Pujols smashed it and I leap off the floor squealing like a schoolgirl who just found out Johnny likes her likes her. I hear our bedroom door open upstairs and know that my wife was watching. She rushes down the stairs and I hear her "oh my God, did you see, did you see?" We hug, jump up and down, express our disbelief, our great fortune.
Read on...

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